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School Readiness Tips thumbnail

Ensuring your child is ready for school is more important these days as the curriculum is more demanding of young children.  It shouldn’t be, but it is.  This is especially concerning if your child needs a little more time than other children to develop the skills needed for school.

Too often, we are focussing on skills that may not be the most important or necessary, particularly when transitioning to school.  Learning letters and numbers can happen over time, but there are other skills that are far more important, particularly for children who may find everyday situations a little more challenging, for example, they become unsettled more easily, find their sensory world more challenging or are still developing the physical skills needed for everyday tasks.

The download attached goes through a range of skill areas for you to consider, such as helping them to become their own advocate and speak up for their needs at a level that is appropriate to their development and capacity. There are also tips for working with the school, developing their social skills and supporting them to down regulate after school.