This is where we need to think beyond the behaviour. The key is understanding the ‘why’ behind the behaviour in order to support each child to thrive.
This training will develop educators understanding of:
- Behaviours when viewed through a sensory, developmental and trauma lens.
- The impact of the educator’s own attachment history on their relationships with the children they care for and their relationships with colleagues.
- Strategies to address social emotional and behavioural support needs using sensory and relationship based approaches.
- How to deconstruct approaches when strategies don’t work. Supporting reflection on strategies that didn’t help and what to do about it.
- How to implement adjustments to accommodate developmental needs such as difficulties with sensory processing, ADHD or Autism. This includes strategies to grade and adapt tasks for children with developmental vulnerabilities.
Just one piece of the puzzle
To learn to identify and understand the ‘why’ behind children’s behaviour takes time and it is recommended that educators complete Essentials for Educators and Sensory Processing and Emotional Regulation training sessions first, as this training is most effective in taking educators to the next level of once they have those foundations.
It is also recommended that all training is accompanied by ‘on the floor’ mentoring sessions to support educators to implement the strategies learned in this training session.