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Do you ever feel like your child doesn’t get your best self? thumbnail

Before you became a parent, you might have had a picture in your mind about the sort of parent you thought you would be. You might have thought, I’ll be energetic, playful, fun and relaxed.

But you are not that way now. It can be so hard when you have had expectations and hopes for how it would be and yet they are not in line with the reality.

Many parents I meet are on a road that was not what they had anticipated.Think, what has it taken to get you where you are now? The effort it has taken, may have been harder than you ever thought. You may have had many challenges before you that took so much of your energy, time and drive. Have you considered how many skills you have developed and the ways you have grown as a person? And then, how much these qualities benefit your child and everyone else in your life?

I’ll bet you are stronger now than you were. I’ll bet you are a wiser too.
It can be easy to focus on what you are not doing. But think for a moment how lucky your child was to be born into your family.

And of course, how lucky you are to have them.

All the things you have learnt and ways you have grown have happened because you have had experiences many others have not.

When you think about it, you are actually pretty amazing. You may not be as fun as you wanted to be, but consider how kind you are. It is so important for your child to have your kindness in their life.

You may not be what you wanted to be, but perhaps you are exactly what your child needs.

What are some other challenges when it comes to the sensory needs of one impacting upon the others?